
Belga.share is now available in

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Belga.share is coming to

Reach journalists, news enthusiasts, and communication professionals with insightful press releases & newsrooms with relevant and valuable content. Do you want to learn more about what’s possible with Belga.share? Scroll down this page or get in touch with our specialists.
Pre-register to switch from PRpro to Belga.share!
What extras do you get versus PRpro?With PRpro, your press release was sent via the Belga-wire directly to all national, general media and via mail to local or specialised press. Thanks to Belga.share, this press distribution is extended by the following functionalities, among others:
Newsrooms: you can set up newsrooms to gather press releases from your different brands or topics relevant to your business. Journalists can easily follow your newsrooms to stay up-to-date.
Insights: you can follow up on how your press releases & newsrooms are performing.
Contact Management: you can create your own contacts and contact groups so you can distribute your press releases to them as well.
Belgaimage: you can now use a Belga image as a cover image to optimise youcommunication and you can monitor Belga images and use them in your press coverage reporting.
Worry-free transitionOur Customer Experience team will create your profile for you. All you have to do is add the final details so you can get started quickly.
You will be notified as soon as your account has been created. If you still have questions, you can always contact our team of specialists or sign up for a webinar or a 1-on-1 demo.
You can easily set up additional brands or newsrooms yourself when relevant to your business or organisation.
Belga.share, a division of Belga.pressBelga.share is one of the four services offered in the platform. Discover the other use cases, related to media monitoring:
Consume: explore topics of countless national and international newsbrands directly behind the paywall.
Curate: monitor custom topics, categorise them and publish your own branded content.
Analyse: analyse the performance of your topics and create custom, branded reports.
Pre-register to switch from PRpro to Belga.share!
Questions about your transition? We've got you covered.
logo_belgapressBelga News Agency NV
Arduinkaai 29
1000 Brussel